The Geek Vision


Hii Guys!!! I am again here with you with a new interesting topic about daily life. Today we will talk about why no one likes you and why every time you get ignored ?, 

Do You know that many good people ignored in this world only because of their simplicity, nice behavior and because they are straight forward.

So here will talk about some points that why no one likes you and you always get ignored? 

 1. You Care a Lot About Everyone :

                                                                                               If you care a lot about everyone in every single task and you not want to see everyone in trouble and just want to see everyone happy. And if you do this for a longer time then you will definitely loose your importance.

 2. You are Very Emotional :

                                                If you are very emotional person and easily gets attached to anyone who talks nicely with you first time, than you may be ignored because only a few are nice and emotional like you.

3. You are a Straight Forward Person :

                                                                   If you are a straight forward person and you are very clear about your thoughts, talks and your promises then congratulation you will be get ignored because every one will doubt you that you can be so nice person like this, they will not believe you and will start ignoring you.

4. You can't Lie : 

                          If you loves to speak truth and you know that if you lie then you are just betraying yourself, than congratulations no one will like you, because this world stands on mendacity/cheat.

5. If You are Self Centric :

                                           If you are self centric and improving yourself in good deeds, and not indulging in stupid things because you want to utilize your time to make yourself better, than congratulations no one will like you because this world stands on politics.

6.  If You can't Bear Injustice :

                                                    If you can see or bear Injustice with you and reacts immediately because you don't have anything negative about anyone in yourself and you want to raise your voice against injustice with you because you can plan intrigue for anyone, then congratulations you will be get ignored.

7. You Expect Something from Everyone :

                                                                       If you expect that if you behave nicely with anyone then  he should also behave nicely with you then you are wrong because it doesn't mean that if you are good then everyone will be good, you can't expect anything from anyone if you expected anything then surely you will be get hurt. So do not expect anything from anyone.

# Takeaways :

If you have above qualities then it doesn't mean that you are inferior and you are not good because these are your strengths and you are unique, you have such qualities from that you can achieve anything.

  • Being true with yourself is the biggest achievement that not everyone have.
  •  If you are very emotional then its also your strength because you can't cheat important persons of your life and because of that they will love you a lot.
  • If you are straight forward person then you will be also straight forward in your life goals, and you will achieve your goals very sure.
  • If you are self centric then you can improve yourself a lot.

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